On 9 and 10 December Danish partners DTU – Technical University of Denmark and Bornholms Energi & Forsyning organized a visit to the second EU demosite, Bornholm island in Denmark for a team of EU and Indian partners. The partners had the opportunity to witness the project activities and visit the sites related to RE-EMPOWERED:
- Heat plant and electric boilers (Østerlars) (ecoEMS)
- Østerlars Round Church (ecoEMS)
Additionally, the partners visited the wood chip boiler pant and the Svaneke wastewater treatment facility where they were informed about the activities of SYMSITES and WATERMAN projects focused on wastewater usage as a resource.
Lastly a tour was given on the old power station in Ronne, where the energy island exhibition is accommodated. The exhibition presents the vision of Bornholm to harvest its available offshore wind energy potential in order to provide sustainable energy.
RE-EMPOWERED project is concluded on 31st December! The project marked important impact on the decarbonization of EU and Indian demosites, improved the daily life of local communities by providing 24×7 sustainable electricity to a few thousand of people. 10 innovative tools have been developed and demonstrated in diverse demo-sites, one of which (ecoMicrogrid) will be commercialized.