Deloitte Advisory S.L.

Torre Picasso - Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso 1, 28020 Madrid, Spain

Deloitte Advisory S.L. is the consultancy advisory company by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, which delivers world-class advisory and consulting services through its member firms. The firm is a worldwide leader in consultancy sector. Deloitte counts on more than a century of experience providing services under the same quality standards all over the world, including the most powerful economies, presenting the following figures (FY21 figures):

  • A leading global network of 345,374 employees in 169 countries, as well as a revenue of US$ 50.2 billion in FY2021 worldwide, placing the Firm ahead of its competitors in terms of revenue.
  • Deloitte has a highly-qualified team (over 18,500 professionals worldwide) dedicated exclusively to the Energy and Natural Resources market.

Deloitte has an Energy Economy Consulting Team focused on evaluating the impact of the energy systems on the economy and the society based on comprehensive modelling and simulation methodologies and IT tools.


Deloitte’s participation in RE-EMPOWERED is focused on Work Package 8: Business models, impact assessment and replication. The objective of this activity is the development of innovative business models which will ensure the financial and market viability of the local community energy systems of the pilot sites. Besides, the integration of microfinancing mechanisms/tools is key to foster the development of community energy systems.
Deloitte leads Task 8.1. Business models (development, benchmark, and testing), Task 8.2. Financing tools (development, benchmark and testing) and Task 8.4. Technical and economic assessment of demos and tools, and participates in Task 8.3. TRL planning and monitoring, Task 8.5. Social and environmental assessment and Task 8.6. Potential for replication in EU and India.
Additionally, Deloitte collaborates with DTU in the implementation of Task 3.2, Task 3.4 and has a strong contribution in Tasks 6.1 and Task 6.3.

Relevant projects

  • DRES2Market: Technical, business and regulatory approaches to enhance the renewable energy capabilities to take part actively in the electricity and ancillary services markets (August 2020- January 2023).
  • F-PI Financing Energy Efficiency using Private Investments (May 2019-April 2022).
  • TALENT Cost Effective Technological Developments for Accelerating Energy Transition (October 2019-September 2022).
  • NESOI European Islands Facility NESOI New Energy Solutions Optimized for Islands (October 2019-September 2023).
  • iDistributedPV- Solar PV on the Distribution Grid: Smart Integrated Solutions of Distributed Generation based on Solar PV, Energy Storage Devices and Active Demand Management (September 2017-February 2020).
  • ENERINVEST: Spanish Sustainable Energy financing Platform (February 2016-May 2019).
  • IN-BEE: Assessing the intangibles: the socioeconomic benefits of improving energy efficiency (March 2015-May 2017).
  • WIND ON THE GRID-Technical, regulatory and economic approaches to encourage the large penetration of wind energy in high voltage electricity systems.
  • SESAME- Securing the European Electricity Supply Against Malicious and accidental thrEats (May 2011-August 2014).
  • IS Power- Effective technical and regulatory approaches to enable the penetration of renewable energies in isolated electricity systems (December 2009-June 2011).