In September 2024, a small wind turbine manufacturing workshop was organized in the CSIR-CMERI labs, in Durgapur, India. It was co-organized by the Smart grids Research Unit of the Electrical and Computer Engineering School NTUA (Smart RUE) and the Rural Electrification Research Group (RurERG) of the NTUA, as part of the RE-EMPOWERED project.
During the week-long workshop, electrical and mechanical engineering students and CSIR-CMERI staff collaborated in teams to construct a small wind turbine from scratch, utilizing basic tools, materials, and fabrication methods. The blades were crafted from wood, the mounting frame from steel, and the tail from plywood. Copper wire was used for the coils, while ferrite magnets encased in resin formed the stator and rotor of the generator.
RE-EMPOWERED project partners from IIT Delhi and IIT Kharagpur also participated in the workshop.
The locally manufactured small wind turbine will be installed in Ghoramara in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
Technical data of the manufactured small wind turbine: Rotor Diameter 4.3 m – Rated Power 3 kW – Rated Wind Speed 10 m/s – Hub Height 18 m – Mean Wind Speed 4.3 m/s – Annual Energy Production 4450 kWh/year