6th Consortium Plenary Meeting in Athens

On 26th June 2024, RE-EMPOWERED partners assembled in Athens for the 6th consortium plenary meeting. Representatives from Protasis, DAFNI, BV, ICL, DTU, IIT BBS and IISc attended the meeting physically, while Deloitte and the other Indian partners (IIT KGP, IIT Delhi, VNIT, CSIR-CMERI, LCI) joined online. During the meeting the progress of the past 4 months was presented and the pending activities were discussed.   Special focus was given on the progress in the 4 demosites and the completion status of the 10 ecoTools. At the end of this day, the Indian partners who were visiting Athens for the first time, participated in a tour at the ICCS-NTUA laboratory where the microgrid applications and tools are tested.